Anonymous Jammer (5/15/2021 7:53:03 AM)
Arcadia jam is def one of the best all around jams by these dudes thus far
YURRR (5/15/2021 5:06:25 AM)
Thank you. Not that I don’t enjoy fans getting down but the screaming took soooo much away from the show.
ThewondafulDewty (5/14/2021 7:59:09 PM)
Show kicks off with a pretty decent Time to flee and Echo, picks up around the All I Need < Flodown then first sets ends with a ripping Arcadia. First set held some super melodic vibes on the jams.
Second set kicks off with an awesome creatures, and then one of the best Tumbles to date. Takes a different turn with the seekers 1
Brooooose (5/14/2021 6:11:44 AM)
Trevor wins MVP of this show. Way up in the mix and killing it. Creatures and Tumble are obvious highlights but Arcadia is scorching, total barn burner.
Harry (5/13/2021 7:10:05 PM)
Doctor my eyes might just be my favorite cover they’ve chosen. It’s not long jams but rich and his vocals make my blood pump
CleverRuse (5/13/2021 5:18:30 PM)
Someone tell the dude in the crowd that keeps yelling, that he doesn’t improve anyone’s experience in anyway, what-so-ever.
Staaaaaaaaaaan (5/13/2021 4:58:21 PM)
Great show. That creatures jam is insane. They really brought it after the rain on night one. 30 days until New Haven!
l-boobs (5/13/2021 1:20:21 PM)
The guy who thinks he’s making goose noises but sounds like a seagull - why?!