bnoring (12/27/2016 1:48:05 PM)
First day of Camp Bisco 2006. Really a pretty fun show and the sound quality for the most part is very good. Also an amazing setlist. Unfortunately a lot of the playing is sloppy, and things don't seem to be connecting like we would hope. The band themselves offer this show as a discount download so I'm guessing it wasn't all they hoped for either.
DJmuffnstuff (7/16/2008 5:54:34 PM)
MD sandwhich is pretty tight, Plan B goes no where though...its like making a sandwich with the freshest of bread and then just sticking horse shit between it.... maybe im being alittle harsh
7/11, Sven, Rock candy is bonkers...dont really dig the UNTZ stuff but the Abyss is very clean and nice, listen to the transition back into spraypaint
BubbbleHouse (7/29/2007 11:14:05 AM)
Mindless dribble is flawless, Great Abyss is sick too
* def worth the $$
Nesgoose (9/10/2006 6:52:32 AM)
Prepare to have your a** blown off! Mine was left some where on Hunter Mountain. So when you listen, make sure that you are in a place where you will be able to retrieve your blownn off a**!
billyschools (9/5/2006 4:37:10 PM)
this show is worth every penny just for the Spraypaint>Spaga>Bazaar. Quality is great as well. Just Do It!
bubbagump (9/5/2006 4:19:18 PM)
This show rocks the house!!!! Everyone should own it, even girls!