Wilson (5/12/2011 3:09:04 PM)
Definitely worth a Walletsworth! Great show all around.. Happy President's Day!
Butch (3/5/2011 1:16:57 PM)
Slacker is particularly good
Alex (3/1/2011 11:31:25 PM)
energy was great in the national that night, best UMPH's show out of the eight that I have seen, All in Time completed me....and then glory->haijmamashite happened
Benjamin (2/26/2011 7:35:27 PM)
Epic, the shoutout to richmond during Slacker, thank you, and Thats All back into All in time blew my mind. Umphrey's in my hometown I just can't say enough. Joel thanks for the setlist, Kris thanks for signing it. By the way even though its only been a week, I met my current girlfriend that night because of yall, I will never forget it. Virginia is for lovers....Umphlovers.
Harry (2/21/2011 7:36:56 PM)
Jake was channeling early David Gilmore.. on his knees at his and his pedal box with some synthesizer there in the first set and during National Anthem encore.. I love the 'bookend' setlists. I was checking set lists up to the show.. wanting to hear some specif stuff.. BUT All In Time opener was just classic.. I was sure they would do a Floyd cover this night.. but the way they ended it with Radiohead's National Anthem was just classic.. and the light show to go with that song.. just WOW!
interesting (2/21/2011 6:42:09 PM)
this album cover looks quite the same like the music farm show. Couldn't you guys just get a photo of the outside of the venue? Any who you guys rock and will be trying to head out to Madison next week
Steve (2/21/2011 6:29:49 PM)
What a way to end this run--AMAZING SHOW. Smokin' setlist. The guys were on fire every song. Get it, turn it way up, piss off the neighbors--or expect them over to listen.
Old Like Joel (2/21/2011 5:53:53 PM)
Every time I see these guys I think it's physically impossible for them to sound any better, and each time they prove me wrong. This was a phenomenal show from start to finish. Good mix of songs throughout both sets and impeccable improv. Vocals were on point too :)! A lot of heavier jams with a mix of funk. The National is a great venue and sounded amazing just, even in the bathroom. Probably the best energy I've ever seen at a UM show, you would have thought the Set I closer was the encore...