CaptLonghammer (3/21/2025 6:39:58 PM)
I’m just happy to be alive the same time these guys are jamming. BMFS !!
SmashBurger (3/20/2025 3:53:10 PM)
Billy puts takes em to bluegrass school!
Barves (3/19/2025 2:00:24 PM)
The Billy sit ins are so unreal, absolutely impeccable jamming.
BMFS (3/19/2025 9:00:28 AM)
Blew my MF face off. So glad to be able to see this live
BMad (3/19/2025 4:01:26 AM)
The roar after Hood as they are bring out Billy’s gear and then Billy was fantastic. The energy in the room was off the charts. Good times!
Noah (3/19/2025 3:05:20 AM)
Bath tub gin
Best one.