LysergicBrain (2/8/2025 11:14:12 AM)
Nice Kitchen jam. Sadly I’ll probably never get that Weird Fishes live but I’m glad they still play it
Tha_Funk (2/7/2025 5:06:55 AM)
The boys are killing it
Vince ramsey (2/3/2025 8:33:57 PM)
lovin that mad love made it back
Shucks (2/3/2025 12:34:16 PM)
Did Kris take a break mid set or was I seeing things?
PZilla (2/3/2025 9:00:07 AM)
I mean honestly just press these two nights at the Cap into a double live album. No notes.
Harel Zoberman (2/2/2025 12:57:38 PM)
PAY THE SNUCKA (every good hero needs theme music)