Sophronie (7/28/2022 11:09:57 PM)
That Sophronie was impeccable.
Tony Rice’s Mama (7/28/2022 9:17:11 PM)
This was in fact the exact arrangement of Manzanita from the Tony Rice album, just minus a Jerry Douglas. RMH was very groovy, Phishlike. Transition into Hide and Seek was flawless, then the jam got wild, maybe have never heard a Billy jam go so off the rails.
Shane Williams (7/27/2022 7:35:02 PM)
Roger Waters helped produce Renewal. I love the Pink Floyd nods throughout these shows. They've been there for years...
Weezy (7/26/2022 8:48:10 PM)
I also have to say that Brain Damage was a dream come true for me and a lot of other people in the crowd that night. Such a heater.
UnclePink (7/26/2022 2:59:56 PM)
Hollowed Heart> Brain Damage wtfffffffffffd
RedDaisey1 (7/25/2022 6:42:08 AM)
Incredible! They brought it, the Brain Damage/ Summertime was perfect. It was physically so HOT that we were all melting….what a night. Much LOVE all around.
Jhizzy (7/24/2022 5:39:02 PM)
The beginning of Manzanita reminds me of the waves of the ocean...such a beautiful piece! Really appreciate Brain Damage. Billy's voice in 99 Years is raw as fuck! I love it when he sings like that!
Fantastic fuckin show! Can't wait fer Sundays...
Thanks! (7/24/2022 5:29:15 PM)
Manzanita, enough said.