Leonard Washington (9/4/2022 11:21:15 PM)
It’s a shame nobody commented on the fact Solomon Burke (who wrote this before a majority of you whipper snappers were born) rocked the goddamn casbah. This is eouc
jackjester (7/3/2008 8:43:27 PM)
The mix in the first set sucks, but in the second set it drasttcally improves. GREAT SHOW from what will end up being the best with Jimmy.
aDAM (7/3/2008 8:39:43 PM)
I agree with yah hp. This sucks. They need to start remixing these shows. If they don't want to re-mix every show then don't put every one out but this mix is dreadful. Jimmy is completely buried accept barely when he solos which is unacceptable. Do better guys.
Coconut Phil Simpsonville, SC (7/2/2008 6:54:25 PM)
Solid show, the 2nd skin is off the fugging chain, awesome jam, Jojo has a really funky jam on. Keep jamming. I'll get my turn to jam in Charlotte in a few weeks.
Philip. TCBRN.
CHAVEZ (6/24/2008 5:06:10 PM)
henry parsons lives (6/22/2008 7:11:11 PM)
It might just be my download but this is a terrible recording. It sounds like they were playing in a tin can and did Dave make it for the show because I here no bass in this mix. Hope I am wrong, but I would stay away from this show. Guess I will have to pour another glass and listen to some Carbondale.
sunnbear (6/21/2008 12:03:54 PM)
After JB's email this last week about how the band was going to play their first notes on their summer tour at exactly the time printed on your tickets, I thought it was very cool that he came out and played Old Joe solo. It didn't matter that the rest of the band wasn't ready, he's a man of his word!
I was a bit worried that the first show this summer might be a mess of new songs, with a few "oldies" thrown in for good measure, but, to my pleasant surprise, not one new song! Not that I don't appreciate the new tunes, but... Highlights for me were the amazing Surprise Valley, Wish You Were Here, Pigeons>Second Skin, Space Wrangler and, of course, Walkin'.
Last note: I really love the venue, but hate the fucking Nazi security. Chill out guys, it's only rock 'n' roll!