NoName (12/9/2007 5:57:01 PM)
One of the sickest Tickle The Truths I have heard. Great show, hope y`all come back to The Wharf next year!
wjpossum2001 (5/30/2007 1:40:36 PM)
This is a pretty good show for Widespread but the really nice spread was in the mid and late 90`s. God I miss those days. They used to rip way harder but this is worth the download.
zeth (5/17/2007 9:57:38 PM)
Great show, Good times. Chucka`s 40`th Birthday, say no more! It was a true Yellow Rose. Bring it to the Northwest!
drivinman25 (5/14/2007 3:15:16 PM)
Logic setbreak needs to be on this show..... ain`t no use, hatfield, traveling light > DJ LOGIC > Let it Rock....Great show!! Good to come back to OGB and see the band do the damn thing! WSP..Thanks for 25 thrilling times!!
island picker (5/14/2007 3:04:26 PM)
Hey moe.lixir, obviously your musical ignorance has stooped to an even lower level, I have no problem with moe, and I see them every tour they have; reaching the southern states. I`m guessing your recently getting on this jam music bandwagon. You`ve already showed us your limited knowledge, in bashing this show. So I think I speak for all true panic fans, when I say, take "the conch" out of your ass, and get the hell off this website.
parkeid (5/12/2007 6:19:02 AM)
If you did`nt get it, then this is not the place for you......
OBeach (5/11/2007 4:10:56 PM)
I haven`t seen the band since Aug `91 in Richmond at the Flood Zone. In those days you could get within a few feet of the band and let them rip your skin off ;) WSP has always been about driving that energy lick by lick, chord by chord and beat by beat. This show was no exception. Jimmy is the shit!!! It really took off for me durin WDYBT and never let me down. Thanks to the Wharf staff for a stress-free event, please make this an annual Southern show a la Red Rocks. And I agree, please let some of the crowd noise feed into the downloads......Thanks John, JoJo, Jimmy, Dave, Domingo, and Todd. You guys are welcome in AL anytime.
moe.lixir (5/11/2007 8:29:44 AM)
I don`t get it...Widespread is no good. Can no one else see that??