Pantheon Theater set
Full set with Adrian Tramontano on percussion
The White Lotus Theme - w/ Sammi Garett and Shira Elias on vocals
The Liquid - w/ The Horn Section
Poseidon - w/ Mark Lettieri (Snarky Puppy) on guitar
Love The One You’re With - w/ Mark Lettieri (Snarky Puppy) on guitar | w/
Sammi Garett and Shira Elias on vocals | w/ The Horn Section | w/
@jeremykaplanmusic (@dogsinapileband) on keys
Spacejam - w/ Jeremy Kaplan (Dogs In A Pile) on keys The Hop - w/ Jeremy Kaplan (Dogs In A Pile) on keys | w/ The Horn
F.U. - w/ Jeremy Kaplan (Dogs In A Pile) on keys | w/ The Horn Section
Could You Be Loved - w/ Jeremy Kaplan (Dogs In A Pile) | w/ The Horn
Section | w/ Sammi Garett and Shira Elias on vocals