Source 1: Schoeps cmc621 (On Stage, Split 25') -> Avid S6L (Preamp) -> Zoom H6N -> WAV (@24/96); Source 2: Schoeps cmc64 (FOH Booth DFC) -> Lunatec V3 -> Zoom H6N -> WAV (@24/96); Source 3: SBD (Avid S6L) -> Zoom H6N -> WAV (@24/96);
Transfer: WAVs -> SoundForge Pro 11.0 (EQ, Time Align, normalize) -> Vegas Pro 13.0 (mix/render) -> SoundForge Pro 11.0 (EQ, normalize, fades, 96->44.1 iZotope 64-Bit SRC; 24->16 bit iZotope MBIT+ Dither) -> CDWav -> FLAC
Costello & McRoberts Ultra Mix - Recorded by Peter Costello - Monitors by Aaron Gittleman & Sam LoPiccolo - Lights by Jason "Liggy" Liggett - Audio recording edited and mixed by Eric McRoberts
Set One (8:15PM - 9:29PM): 01. Jam @ -> 02. Tennessee Jed 03. Alligator -> 04. Viola Lee Blues # 05. The Wheel $ > 06. Long Black Veil %
Set Two (10:03PM - 11:50PM): 01. Crazy Fingers ^ -> 02. The Other One > 03. Here Comes Sunshine & -> 04. Casey Jones 05. Ramble On Rose -> 06. Jam * -> 07. Let It Grow + Encore: 08. MB Solo @@ -> Eyes Of The World ## -> MB Solo @@
@ - With a Terrapin Station Tease (Band) & an Estimated Prophet Tease (Band) # - With China Cat Teases (Band/SM) $ - With a short Loser Jam % - Lefty Frizzell cover (written by Danny Dill & Marijohn Wilkin) first time played by Almost Dead, “full version“, SM vocals ^ - With a "Synchronicity II" (The Police) Tease (TH), a Cryptical Tease (TH), & a "Fly Like An Eagle" (Steve Miller Band) Tease (MB) & - With a China Cat Tease (Band), a "Hoedown" (Aaron Copland) Tease (JR/MB) and a Casey Jones Tease (TH) * - With "Another Brick in the Wall, Part Two" (Pink Floyd) Tease (Band) + - With a "Stash" (Phish) Tease (SM) @@ - Contains Elements of The Twin Peaks Theme (Angelo Badalamenti) ## - With a Here Comes Sunshine Tease (TH)