Here's an oldy-but-goody, under-the-radar show from 1998. This was my first Incident, and also the last time SCI has played in Houston. I was part of the recording chain of tapers that night, but as far as I know, all of the soundboard tapes had numerous dropouts and flaws, so this is not a well known show, especially compared to the next three nights in Dallas and Austin. About 15 years ago I was able to get a copy of the band's archive DAT copy, and I finally got around to trying to work on this show. The archive master didn't have the flaws that the 'taper' copies had, and even though there are a few audible gremlins in this recording, I was still able to clean it up enough to release it here through LiveCheese and Nugs.Net. This show *does* exist on the Live Music archive, however I am not sure if that copy is as clean as this one. This show features incredible versions of "Voodoo Child", "Sand Dollar", "Climb", and "The Walls of Time", plus many more great songs on this high-energy, low profile mid-week Incident. Available as a FREE MP3 download for a limited time, as well as paid FLAC, ALAC and CDs.
During the setbreak of this show, I was standing outside with a co-worker of mine, who was also seeing his first Incident, and he turned to me and said "I just want to quit my job, get a micro-bus, and follow these guys around the country!". Little did I know at the time that five years later, I would quit my job and go to work for the band as their archivist and Live Recording coordinator.
So, here's where it all began for me... I KNOW you'll enjoy this show!!
Larry Fox (March 2019)